constitutional reform; gender equality; women's rights; revolution;

طالبت نائبات كتله "صوت المراه"، في المؤتمر الوطني الليبي (البرلمان المؤقت) الاربعاء، بقيه نواب المؤتمر بالتضامن معهن في المطالبه بزياده نسبه تمثيل المراه في لجنه صياغة الدستور الجديد للبلاد، الي 35% بدلاً من 10%.وتنص مسوده قانون انتخاب لجنه الدستور الجديد للبلاد، والمسماه بـ"لجنه الستين" (من خارج اعضاء المؤتمر الوطني) والتي كشف عنها المؤتمر قبل 3 ايام، علي ان تشارك المراه في اللجنه بنسبه 10% من اجمالي عدد اعضائها البالغ 60 عضوًا.

"I don't see myself as an Egyptian citizen in this constitution. I don't see my future in this constitution," she said.

Abdallah voted against the proposed constitution and now says it must not be left in its current version. It won't be easy to change, she says, but she hopes to see the text challenged through "legal ways and on the streets."

It will pass… a draft of a constitution that doesn’t represent Egyptians or their dreams. A draft that did not engage them in the dialogue for change, which passed just two before the referendum, without giving Egyptians the opportunity to discuss it. When the revolution started, Egyptians looked forward to a time where they could evaluate their beliefs and values, discuss them, even change them and reflect it all in a document that recorded the whole process. But this never happened.

ضحّت المرأة الليبية بالغالي في الثورة، وانتقلت من حال القمع إلى حال العامل السياسي والنيابي والاجتماعي، لكنها لا تزال قاصرة عن اكتساب ثقة النساء في ليبيا، اللواتي يعتبرن بأن السياسة ميدان الرجل وحده.

A popular referendum on the current draft of the new Egyptian Constitution has been scheduled for this Saturday, 15 December by President Morsi. As references it makes to the supremacy of Islamic law (Sharia law) can be widely interpreted, if approved, it could restrict and severely undermine women’s and girls’ rights.

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