
The closure of 204 Government Community Primary Schools in NWFP: 408 female teachers and 14,000 girl students affected.
Buildings of two girls schools in the Kabal area of Swat were damaged by a powerful blast on the night of September 29th.
In this new publication, Dr. Rehana Kariapper analyses case studies of 55 women experiencing reproductive health complications and provides recommendations for improvement. Published by Shirkat Gah Women's Resource Centre, Pakistan.
Deux femmes accusées de se livrer à la prostitution ont été décapitées, a annoncé vendredi un membre des forces de sécurité pakistanaises sous le couvert de l’anonymat.
Suspected Islamic militants in north-western Pakistan have beheaded two women they accused of being prostitutes, police say.
"If political consciousness is awakened amongst our women, remember, your children will not have much to worry about." Mohammad Ali Jinnah, Lahore, March 22, 1940
'The idea is to ensure that a May 12 never happens again,'' said Nasir Aslam Zahid, former judge and one of the members of the Women’s Commission for Peace (WCP) formed in time for Tuesday when Pakistan celebrates its 60th year of independence.
Due to pressure from women's human rights activists in Pakistan, the gang-rape case of Nasima Labano has been ordered to be transferred to the Court of District and Sessions Judge of Karachi.
Updates and Clarifications: There has been considerable confusion on various aspects of this case and the situation Shahzina Tariq and Shamial Raj are in, especially since people in Pakistan and elsewhere have been misinformed. Nighat Said Khan of the ASR Resource Centre clarifies:
Nursing students of the Nawabshah Medical College Hospital (NMCH) have sought legal action against a doctor and paramedical staff for criminal assault.
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