
Often the child bride is forced into sexual activity with her husband when she is not physically and sexually mature.
With clear evidence of political interference in Ms Mai's case it is uncertain when her case will be heard again, and her legal team are only advised in the last minute by the judiciary. Please see the letter of thanks for the support Ms Mai and her family have received:
Mukhtar Mai’s case has been scheduled for Wednesday, March 4th, 2009 at the Supreme Court of Pakistan at Islamabad. Ms Mai was just informed by the office of her council Barrister Aitzaz Ahsan. This is an astonishing move. Since 2005, Mukhtar Mai’s case was pending before the Supreme Court without any hearings being scheduled. There continues to be political influence in this case and regular serious threats to her life and the lives of family members in an attempt to pressure her to drop the charges against her perpetrators.
There continues to be political interference in this case and regular serious threats to Ms Mai's life and the lives of family members in an attempt to pressure her to drop the charges against the 13 accused of gang-raping her in 2002.
Pakistani lawyer and human rights activist Hina Jilani says 'Fight Terror But Follow Due Process'.
Le gouvernement local et un leader religieux proche des talibans ont signé un accord en ce sens ce lundi. Un accord qui doit permettre de prolonger le cessez-le-feu actuel.
Pakistan is to impose Islamic law in a vast region of the north-west called Malakand in an attempt to placate extremists, even as President Asif Zardari warns that they are "trying to take over the state".
In the week that rape-victim Mukhtar Mai faces interference in her case, women commemorate the day Pakistani women protested against the rescinding of women’s rights in the name of religion by a military dictator in 1983.
Mukhtar Mai's counsel, Barrister Aitzaz Ahsan, had moved an application for adjournment, which was considered the best course of action in the current circumstances. With no right to a further appeal, Mai's rapists will stay in jail. However, the threat to the safety of Mukhtar Mai, and her family, from those implicated in the interference in her case remains.
The Women Living Under Muslim Laws (WLUML) international solidarity network is deeply concerned by the fact that a sitting Federal Minister, Mr. Qayyum Jatoi, has pressured Mukhtar Mai, the well-known women’s human rights defender, to drop charges against the accused in her case.
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