[violence] general

Saudi Arabia's male guardianship of women and policies of sex segregation stop women from enjoying their basic rights, Human Rights Watch said in a report released today.
On 9 April, 2008 Congress finally approved the law on violence against women, meant to stop the killing and abuse of women and better prosecute the perpetrators.
La violence à l’égard des femmes: Viols et enlèvements en nette hausse.
La Cour suprême iranienne a confirmé des peines capitales par lapidation pour deux soeurs reconnues coupables d'adultère, a rapporté leur avocat cité lundi par le quotidien Etemad. «La branche 23 de la Cour suprême a confirmé la sentence de lapidation», a déclaré Jabbar Solati, alors que cette peine n'a été appliquée officiellement qu'une fois depuis 2002.
Un tribunal du nord de l’Afghanistan a condamné à mort un journaliste afghan détenu depuis octobre sous l’accusation de “blasphème”, ont annoncé mercredi des sources officielles.
A Statement from Concerned Citizens and Governance, Human Rights and Legal Organizations.
Zahra Bani Yaghoub was a 27-year-old medical university graduate from Tehran who some two years ago volunteered to work in the western city of Hamadan.
Addressing gender-based violence, which has affected many thousands of women and children in Sierra Leone, is a critical element of building peace. This briefing paper explores the issue and identifies strategies to enhance prevention and response to VAW.
Buildings of two girls schools in the Kabal area of Swat were damaged by a powerful blast on the night of September 29th.
This report on violence against women in Egypt shows 247 women were killed during the first half of 2007.
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