
Women and girls in Afghanistan have been woefully let down and left to face ever increasing levels of violence. This is the central message of a new report produced by WOMANKIND Worldwide.
It is with deep sorrow, and enduring condemnation, that the people of Afghanistan mourn the loss of Mrs. Safia Amajan, assassinated on her way to work on the morning of September 25, 2006.
On 5 October, civil society and NGO community gathered to protest the murder of Safia Amajan and demand significant changes in security policy from national and international forces.
An open letter to the Afghan authorities and international community from Afghan civil society in response to the assassination of Safia Amajan and increasing violence against women, especially those in public life.
Safia Amajan promoted women's education and work - a fairly ordinary job in most places - but in the Afghanistan of a resurgent Taliban it was a dangerous path to follow.
On May 15-16, the International Development Law Organization (IDLO) held a technical workshop to provide a forum in which Afghan legal professionals could discuss how Afghan criminal law is applied in cases involving women.
Afghan women protest against the government decision to re-establish the Vice and Virtue Department.
On December 17, 2003, a 26-year-old woman named Malalai Joya joined hundreds of others in a large tent in Kabul, Afghanistan, to adopt a new constitution for their war-torn nation.
"War is the ugliest thing that people can experience," said Fatima Galiani, a courageous woman activist who has spent more than 25 years rebuilding ruined Afghanistan from a devastating war.
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