North America

Soon after I began my study of the religious life of the Lebanese Shi’a residing in the eastern section of Dearborn, Michigan, I occasionally heard rumors that mut’a (temporary or pleasure marriage) was being encouraged by the religious leaders (shaikhs) in the community.
A Call for Action from the Child Protection Project in Colorado and the International Human Rights Clinic at the New York University School of Law asking us to urge the U.S authorities to take action against polygamous marriages. Polygamous marriages are practiced on a large scale especially in the State of Utah, but in neighbouring U.S. states as well.
After three days of the U.S. bombing campaign in Afghanistan, the United States has informed the Security Council that attacks against other organisations and other countries may be necessary, a move that would be a drastic stretch of the international law concept of self-defence and would serve to further intensify and escalate the ongoing violence.
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