
The Call to Accountability Campaign is an international campaign supported by over 300 international religious, women's rights and human rights groups whose goal is to raise public awareness about sexual violence against women in the Catholic church and hold accountable the individual and institutional leadership involved or complicit in this problem.

The author is indebted to the American Association of University Women Education Foundation for an International fellowship enabling her to undertake this research and to Dr. Marlyn Tadros for her kind assistance in translating works relied upon in this paper.

Les mouvements politiques fondamentalistes et la campagne qu’ils mènent contre les femmes ont, au cours des années, suscité maints débats et sont devenus l’une des principales préoccupations de notre réseau.

Your regular Dossiers finally reappear and in a new format. In the meantime, we have devoted our energies to urgent cases requiring urgent actions. We have been producing two Special Dossiers, on “Women in wars and conflict situations - Initiatives in their defence” (one on ex-Yugoslavia and one on Algeria). These publications were linked to broader activities of the WLUML international solidarity network in initiating actions in defence of women in wars and conflict situations; our concern and activities were voiced at a special workshop held during the NGO Forum of the UN Conference on Women in Beijing.

As a network, Women Living Under Muslim Laws is part of the global women's movement and closely following the developments of interactions and alliances between women's organisations and networks.

Traduction en français de "Women, Laws, Initiatives in the Muslim World", publié par Shirkat Gah. Cette publication se fait l’écho des débats qui se sont tenus lors de la réunion internationale "Sur le chemin de Beijing/ Pékin, Femmes, loi et statut dans le monde musulman".

Interview et collection d’articles de Riffat Hassan.


Dans l'aire du temps des dernières décennies du siècle, il semble nécessaire et suffissant de mettre ensemble dans une même salle des personnes de différentes nationalités - sachant qu'en toute probabilité elles ne se reverront plus ou par hasard, et n'aurons plus ou guère de contacts entre elles, moins encore qu'elles travailleront ensembles - pour baptiser une réunion "inter-national".

The international network, Women Living Under Muslim Laws (WLUML), was initially formed in response to several incidents urgently requiring action in 1984, all of which related to Islam, laws and women. In Algeria, three feminists were arrested and jailed without trial, then kept incommunicado for seven months. Their crime was having discussed with other women the government's proposal to introduce a new set of laws on the family (Code de la Famille) that severely reduced women's rights in this field.

The women's movement has long been active internationally and is often considered the exemplar of both the new social movements and a new kind of internationalism. Yet it is difficult to find even a single theoretical article on the historical or contemporary forms of feminist internationalism. There is, also, limited historical or contemporary research directly on the problem. It is therefore necessary to first ask why this might be so and then suggest how the vacuum might be filled.
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