
Cette étude par Shaina Greiff porte sur les violences culturellement justifiées à l‟encontre des femmes, la manière dont la "culture" est utilisée pour justifier ces violences et les différentes formes qu‟elles peuvent revêtir. Des recommandations pour que les choses changent sont également formulées dans cette étude. Les enquêtes sur la „culture‟, les femmes et la violence ont été menées dans le cadre de la campagne mondiale « Arrêtons de tuer et de lapider les femmes » (ATLF), avec des partenaires au Sénégal, en Afghanistan, au Nigéria, au Pakistan, en Indonésie, en Iran et au Soudan. 

This paper addresses the issue of widespread gender-based violence in Arab countries. Honour crimes, FGM, rape, forced marriage, and domestic violence – with specific reference to Egypt, Lebanon, Jordan, Palestine, Yemen, Saudi Arabia, and Iraq – are the main issues under discussion here. The author describes current legal reforms, and potentials for legislation, with regards to these manifestations of violence in each specific country.

Judith Wyttenbach provides an overview of areas of conflict between women’s rights, cultural traditions and state interventions and examines the question of whether freedom of religion and minority rights, protect by international and regional human rights treaties, can challenge the universality of women’s rights. She examines in particular the question of whether considerations of freedom of religion or cultural minority rights can legitimise violence against women.

This Strategy Paper argues that a structural cause for the persisting violence [against women] is the use of ‘culture’ to legitimise it. So a crucial step is to reject the ‘cultural’ excuses that are used to justify and thereby perpetuate such violence. Without taking this crucial step, no significant advance can be made, because even as international bodies call for an end to violence against women, such violence is occurring on the ground as an everyday ‘cultural’ norm.

This book is the result of a collaborative effort between international and locally-based human rights organisations, individuals, and experts whose work has focussed on so-called ‘honour crimes’ in a variety of geographical and social contexts.  It is an action-oriented work that seeks to aid activists, policy makers, and lawyers by clarifying what such crimes entail, how they vary depending on location and context, and possible strategies for combating them.

This UN resolutions outlines that States have an obligation to exercise due diligence to prevent, investigate and punish the perpetrators of crimes committed against women and girls in the name of honour and to provide protection to the victims. It stresses the need to treat all forms of violence against women and girls, including crimes committed in the name of honour, as a criminal offence, punishable by law.

This study aims to highlight the persistence and unacceptability of all forms of violence against women in all parts of the world;strengthen the political commitment and joint efforts of all stakeholders to prevent and eliminate violence against women; and identify ways and means to ensure more sustained and effective implementation of State obligations to address all forms of violence against women, and the increase State accountability.

Pursuant to General Assembly resolution 63/155, this report gives an overview of measures taken by entities of the United Nations system to intensify their efforts to eliminate violence against women, including through increased coordination and collaboration among entities and enhanced support for national efforts to address violence against women.

This study highlights that violence against women was drawn out of the private domain into public attention and the arena of State accountability largely because of the grass-roots work of women’s organizations and movements around the world. This work draws attention to the fact that violence against women is not the result of random, individual acts of misconduct, but rather is deeply rooted in structural relationships of inequality between women and men.

Forced and early marriage deprives women and young girls of their basic human rights. Forced marriage describes a marriage that takes place without the free or valid consent of one or both of the partners and involves either physical or emotional duress. Early marriage is related to forced marriage because minors are deemed incapable of giving informed consent. Forced and early marriages are serious human rights violations. The requirement for the free and informed consent of both parties to a marriage is recognized in numerous legal instruments at international, national and local levels.

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