[mili]war crimes and impunity/accountability

Krishni Ifham Kanthasamy, President of the Tamil Speaking Women Media Organisation, says there has never been a time when Tamil speaking women journalists felt as threatened as they are today.
An unpublished UNIFEM survey of male and female heads of 1,100 Gaza households conducted between 28 February and 3 March indicates there was an increase in violence against women during and after the 23-day war which ended on 18 January.
The UN had internal documentation for 9,924 civilian casualties including 2,683 killings and 7,241 injuries since 20 January to 07 March 2009.
L’AWID s’est entretenue avec Eilat Maoz, de la Coalition des femmes pour la paix, une organisation israélienne qui œuvre en faveur de la paix en Israël et en Palestine.
The expulsion of 13 aid groups from Sudan is more than a humanitarian crisis. It may reignite regional conflicts in the country – and beyond, say analysts.
"Our purpose was to connect with the women for International Women’s Day to show our support and to educate ourselves so that we can go back to the United States and work hard on our policies."
Asia Pacific Forum on Women, Law and Development issue a statement: Stop human rights abuse of women, and uphold gender equality and non-discrimination.
Children are being killed, witnessing their family and parents killed, being separated, and suffering injuries including burns, fractures, shrapnel and bullet wounds.
Fin février, neuf enfants sont morts faute de médicaments, alors qu'ils étaient atteints de maladies curables comme la pneumonie et la méningite.
Ravalomanana and Rajoelina had agreed to suspend public protests during the talks, put a halt to arrests "of a political nature", and stop violence and looting on the giant Indian Ocean island.
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