[mili]war crimes and impunity/accountability

Within hours American and British military forces are expected to attack Iraq in a war that has no international legal sanction.
Once again gender apartheid is being instituted in grave violations of the human rights of girls and women in Afghanistan. This time, the attacks are coming from warlords.
After 33 rounds of balloting, 18 judges have finally been elected to the International Criminal Court.
Le Caucus des Femmes pour la Justice de Genre informe que les nominations aux responsabilites de Juge a la Cour Penale Internationale sont maintenant closes.
Now is the most critical time to act to ensure gender parity on the ICC.
As the nomination period for judges to the International Criminal Court draws to a close on Saturday, at least two governments have chosen to bypass the nominations of qualified women and have instead put forward questionable candidates
First meeting of the Assembly of States Parties.
Des groupes mettent en garde contre la politisation des juges de la Cour penale internationale.
Le 6 avril 2002, les Femmes en noir de Belgrade ont invités des rescapées à venir témoigner du siège et du génocide de Sebrenivsca.
La magistrate Navanethem (Navi) Pillay est la seule femme candidate a la succession de Mary Robinson.
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