[state] repression of dissent

The Badis are a small Dalit community, considered a minority group and are the most disadvantaged ethnic groups in Nepal. The women earn most of their families' income through sex work. During a peaceful protest on 27-Aug-07 they were beaten by police.
"Déclaration de solidarité: Non à l’oppression de la liberté de pensée…Oui à la liberté d’opinion."
The president of the Women's Petition (WP), the Bahraini activist Ms Ghada Jamsheer revealed the existence of a formal decision preventing her from appearing in any of the Bahraini media.
Up to 10,000 Burmese Buddhist monks and civilians, including many women and students, have defied police tear gas and live bullets on the ninth day of protests against the military rulers.
Les militaires envisagent de "prendre des mesures" après que plus de 100.000 personnes aient défilé lundi à Rangoun. Le dalaï lama a apporté son "plein soutien" aux manifestants.
Iran has released an Iranian-American democracy scholar who spent four months in prison — the third time in recent weeks Tehran has set free dual citizens it accuses of trying to stir up a revolution.
An educational workshop on women’s rights in Khoram Abad was disrupted after police violently attacked participants and took them into custody.
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