
The Research, Action and Information Network for the Bodily Integrity of Women launches a new www site for the initiative AMANITARE, the African partnership for Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights of Women and Girls.
The UN Security Council passed on Friday September 29th, 2001 (pm) Resolution no. 1373 (2001) which requires all states to take sweeping measures to 'combat' terrorism and opens the door to the use of force as one means of doing so.
This is an URGENT request for you to endorse a letter circulated today by the Women's Caucus for Gender Justice for the International Criminal Court (ICC), New York. Sign on by MONDAY 1st October 10 am NY time or fax on MONDAY directly to Security Council members.
The network Women Living Under Muslim Laws (WLUML) wishes to extend its deepest condolences to the aggrieved, their families and the people of America following the crimes against humanity that were committed on 11 September 2001.
The World Bank, IMF, OECD and the United Nations have dropped the goal to 'make accessible, through the primary health care system, reproductive health to all individuals of appropriate ages as soon as possible and no later than the year 2015.'

The author is indebted to the American Association of University Women Education Foundation for an International fellowship enabling her to undertake this research and to Dr. Marlyn Tadros for her kind assistance in translating works relied upon in this paper.

Les mouvements politiques fondamentalistes et la campagne qu’ils mènent contre les femmes ont, au cours des années, suscité maints débats et sont devenus l’une des principales préoccupations de notre réseau.

Your regular Dossiers finally reappear and in a new format. In the meantime, we have devoted our energies to urgent cases requiring urgent actions. We have been producing two Special Dossiers, on “Women in wars and conflict situations - Initiatives in their defence” (one on ex-Yugoslavia and one on Algeria). These publications were linked to broader activities of the WLUML international solidarity network in initiating actions in defence of women in wars and conflict situations; our concern and activities were voiced at a special workshop held during the NGO Forum of the UN Conference on Women in Beijing.

As a network, Women Living Under Muslim Laws is part of the global women's movement and closely following the developments of interactions and alliances between women's organisations and networks.

Traduction en français de "Women, Laws, Initiatives in the Muslim World", publié par Shirkat Gah. Cette publication se fait l’écho des débats qui se sont tenus lors de la réunion internationale "Sur le chemin de Beijing/ Pékin, Femmes, loi et statut dans le monde musulman".

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