Violence against women

Why are women circumcised? These operations are medically unnecessary, agonisingly painful and extremely dangerous. Some girls die from shock and loss of blood. Others develop psychiatric problems from the trauma. Many have chronic infections lasting a lifetime and there are numerous troubles with childbirth, intercourse and menstruation.

Most of the estimated 70 million circumcised women and girls live in certain parts of Africa and the Middle East. There the practice thrives for a variety of social reasons.
While Pakistan fights global terrorism alongside the United States and its allies, the country’s women are engaged in their own war against the terror of escalating ‘honour’ killings.
A memoir of growing up female in a Muslim world by Taslima Nasrin.
The Shirkat Gah report on `honour killings' is about Pakistan. But there are many parallels in India too. It, perhaps, implies that we need to eliminate the murders, and not the women.
Asma Khader is Coordinator of Sisterhood Is Global Institute/Jordan (SIGI/J) and Counsel on violence against women to the Permanent Arab Court. She is a lawyer, teacher, author, and leading advocate to outlaw honour killings.
Four girls’ schools in Afghanistan were attacked this weekend—two were hit by rockets and two were set on fire, Reuters reports.
Ainsi que nous l'avons indiqué dans notre dernière mise à jour du 30 août, les avocats d'Amina Lawal ont immédiatement fait appel de la décision du 19 août qui la condamne à mort par lapidation.
A girl in Nigeria is taking her father to court for allegedly forcing her to marry against her wish, according to a Lagos-based newspaper.
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