Violence against women

Plus d'une centaine de villages du département de Kédougou, dans la région de Tambacounda (est) ont annoncé le week-end dernier leur décision d'abandonner l'excision, pratique subie par environ 20% de la population féminine du Sénégal, ont rapporté mercre
Mme Tongdo Sondé, 60 ans, et les mères de sept fillettes qu'elle venait d'exciser ont été arrêtées le 8 mars dernier dans la région de Kaya (nord de Ouagadougou), rapporte lundi le quotidien privé Le Pays, citant la gendarmerie locale.
In recent years there have been a number of highly publicised murders of women among the Asian migrant community in the UK related to choice in marriage.
There has been a huge rise in the number of British Muslim women forced into arranged marriages following a decision by the government to liberalise the immigration laws last year.

Civil rights campaigners say hundreds of young women are being tricked abroad, mainly to Pakistan, where they are married and forced to live in remote villages.
Jusqu'au 8 mars, elles vont faire étape dans 23 villes pour dénoncer l'"oppression masculine".
In spite of sub-zero temperatures, sleet and snow, thousands of Muslim women turned up on Saturday for the first day of a five-week march that will take them to 23 cities of France, and allow them to protest the growing violence they are subject to.

Bihar is among the most socially and economically backward states in India. Social inequality in Bihar is amply visible. In order to illustrate the socio-economic context within which underprivileged groups (including Muslim communities) exist in Bihar, it is necessary to highlight a few statistics from the state. While there does not exist a direct causal relationship between customary practice and socio-economic conditions, both are also not mutually exclusive.

This paper will address the issue of violence against women in Sudanese laws. Since 1989 the current government of Sudan enforced legislation and procedures based on Islamic principles.
The ‘Honour Crimes’ Project is jointly co-ordinated by CIMEL (Centre of Islamic and Middle Eastern Laws) at the School of Oriental and African Studies, London University and INTERIGHTS (International Centre for the Legal Protection of Human Rights).
Female circumcision in Sudan


Female circumcision (the partial or complete removal of the external female genitalia) is widely practised in the Sudan. It has persisted for centuries because of lack of awareness and knowledge about its adverse physical and psychosocial consequences and because of a firm belief in its supposed benefits of ensuring female chastity and securing marriage and subsequent harmonious family life.
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