State control

Among the principles of Security Council Resolution 1325 is that women must have equal participation in the resolution of conflict and in peace processes.
The shadow report raises critical questions and concerns on the Turkish Government's official report regarding the implementation of CEDAW in Turkey. The report is also endorsed by the Women’s Platform on the Turkish Penal Code.
This report is based on interviews with women NGO activists, journalists, government officials, doctors, teachers, UN workers, and international donors from a wide range of ethnic groups, political affiliations, and regions.
WOMANKIND Worldwide is calling for increased security and greater election monitoring to encourage the 4 million Afghan women who have registered, to cast their votes in the presidential elections.
Nous, femmes algériennes, nous adressons à Monsieur le Président de la République et à Monsieur le Ministre de l’intérieur pour demander notre régularisation.
"Des femmes se sont proclamées candidates aux élections municipales qui auront lieu en février 2005, dans un pays où elles n’ont pas le droit de vote", rapporte Arab News.
Organisée avec le soutien des Nations unies, l’élection du 9 octobre prochain sera le premier scrutin présidentiel direct de l’histoire de ce pays ravagé par les guerres.
The hard-liners who won Iran's parliamentary elections last February have focused on women's rights in their efforts to reverse some of the reforms carried out under the moderate president, Mohammad Khatami.
Saudi Arabia has published rules for forthcoming municipal elections that observers say hold out the possibility that women may be allowed to vote.
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