State control

On the occasion of 29 November, International Day of Women Human Rights Defenders, the Women Human Rights Defenders International Coalition calls on the Iranian authorities to release Nasrin Sotoudeh, a lawyer and defender of women’s human rights, detained since 4 September 2010 in Evin Prison, Tehran. Sotoudeh has been held in solitary confinement where she is at risk of torture or other ill treatment, since her arrest. In protest at her detention and treatment, Sotoudeh went on hunger strike between 31 October and 15 November 2010.

يتابع مركز البحرين لحقوق الإنسان بقلق شديد التدهور الأمني الخطير الذي يأتي في إطار الحملة القمعية المتواصلة التي تشنها السلطة ضد النشطاء السياسيين والمدافعين عن حقوق الإنسان وكافة القرى والمناطق الشيعية، وانعكاس ذلك على وضع حقوق الإنسان في البلاد ولاسيما الأطفال منهم، الذين كانوا من ضحايا هذه الحملة لتشملهم موجة الاعتقالات التعسفية الواسعة والاختطافات المتكررة والإخفاء القسري والتعذيب الجسدي والنفسي والإساءة الجنسية، والذي يعتقد أن جهاز الأمن الوطني يقف وراء غالبيتها، وكذلك الاعتداءات الجسدية المتكررة على أبناء وأطفال القرى البحرينية من قبل القوات الخاصة التي يتم جلبها كقوات من المرتزقة الأجانب. وهناك 76 طفل معتقل من بين معتقلي الحملة الأمنية الأخيرة بما نسبتهم 21% من مجموع المعتقلين الذين وصل عددهم إلى 355 ، وهو الأمر الذي يرفع مؤشرات القلق حول مصير ومستقبل هؤلاء الأطفال الذين نتيجة هذه الأوضاع يحرمون من تعليمهم الدراسي لينتظرهم مستقبل مجهول أسوة بمئات من الأطفال الذي حرمتهم السلطة من تعليمهم المدرسي والجامعي إبان فترة أحداث المطالبة بالبرلمان في التسعينيات من القرن الماضي.

On 23 November the UN human rights chief called for the release of Iranian human rights lawyer Nasrin Sotoudeh. This followed the first trial session on 15 November. She has now been held for 80 days, following her arbitrary arrest on 4 September 2010. Amnesty International considers her to be a prisoner of conscience, held solely in connection with her work as a lawyer. 

Le réseau international de solidarité, Femmes sous lois musulmanes (WLUML) et la campagne "Violence is Not our Culture" (VNC), continuent à appeler à un procès juste pour deux femmes défenseurs des droits humains, membre de conseil de WLUML, Dr Isatou Touray, et Amie Bojang-Cissokho: communiqué de presse de Coalition pour le Droits Humains en Gambie, 24 Novembre 2010Le représentant du ministère public Sainey Joof  a déclaré au Tribunal que l’affaire contre GAMCOTRAP n’est pas civile, mais que c’est l’Etat qui a porté plainte contre les deux femmes. L’audience du procès du Dr. Isatou Touray, Directrice exécutive et Amie Bojang- Sissoho, Coordonnatrice des programmes pour le Comité Gambien sur les pratiques traditionnelles (GAMCOTRAP), n’a finalement pas eu lieu ce lundi 22 novembre 2010 devant le juge Emmanuel Nkea au Tribunal de Banjul. Le ministère public ayant demandé le report du fait de l’absence de témoins à la barre. 

The International Solidarity Network, Women Living Under Muslim Laws (WLUML) and the Violence is Not our Culture Campaign (VNC), continue to call for the fair trial of two women human rights defenders, WLUML board member, Dr. Isatou Touray, and Ms. Amie Bojang-Sissoho. Coalition for Human Rights in the Gambia Press Release, 24 November 2010: State Prosecution Officer Sainey Joof  told the court that the case against GAMCOTRAP is not a Civil case but it is the State that has brought in the case against the two Senior Officers of the Organisation. The court hearing of the trial of Dr. Isatou Touray, the Executive Director and Amie Bojang- Sissoho, Programme Coordinator for the Gambia Committee on Traditional Practices (GAMCOTRAP) failed to proceed yesterday Monday November 22nd 2010 at the Banjul Magistrates Court  before Magistrate Emmanuel Nkea. The prosecution applied for an adjournment of the hearing because their witnesses were not present.

The Bahrain Center for Human Rights is following with grave concern the serious deterioration of security that comes within the framework of the ongoing crackdown launched by the authority against political activists and human rights defenders as well as all the Shiite villages and areas. The Center is also concerned about its impact and reflection on the human rights situation in the country, particularly in relevance to children. Children were part of the victims of this campaign which included the widespread waves of arbitrary arrests, continuous kidnappings, enforced disappearances, torture which is physical, psychological and sexual.

Le représentant du ministère public Sainey Joof  a déclaré au Tribunal que l’affaire contre GAMCOTRAP n’est pas civile, mais que c’est l’Etat qui a porté plainte contre les deux femmes. L’audience du procès du Dr. Isatou Touray, Directrice exécutive et Amie Bojang- Sissoho, Coordonnatrice des programmes pour le Comité Gambien sur les pratiques traditionnelles (GAMCOTRAP), n’a finalement pas eu lieu ce lundi 22 novembre 2010 devant le juge Emmanuel Nkea au Tribunal de Banjul. Le ministère public ayant demandé le report du fait de l’absence de témoins à la barre. 

State Prosecution Officer Sainey Joof  told the court that the case against GAMCOTRAP is not a Civil case but it is the State that has brought in the case against the two Senior Officers of the Organisation. The  court hearing of the trial of Dr. Isatou Touray, the Executive Director and Amie Bojang- Sissoho, Programme Coordinator for the Gambia Committee on Traditional Practices (GAMCOTRAP) failed to proceed yesterday Monday November 22nd 2010 at the Banjul Magistrates Court  before Magistrate Emmanuel Nkea. The prosecution applied for an adjournment of the hearing because their witnesses were not present.

"My trial took only few minutes. The judge accused me of being the “enemy of God” and said that I shall be executed soon”. The Kurdish female political prisoner on death raw is in a critical condition in Iranian detention but prison’s officials don’t permit her to be seen by doctor, a report said on Thursday. Zeyneb Celaliyan 27 year old from the city of Maku of Eastern Kurdistan was sentenced to death and has been subjected to unbearable excruciation ever since. Celalyan was arrested in Kermanshah for her alleged involvement in the Free Life Party of Kurdistan (PJAK). She was given death sentence in a show trial which only lasted few minutes without having solicitor.

The team of defence counsel comprising Amie Bensouda, Lamin K Mboge, Sagarr Jaharteh and Ebrima Jah, have for the second time maintained their stance in their application for the court to discharge Dr Isatou Touray, executive director of Gamcotrap and Amie Bojang-Sissoho, programme coordinator of the same organisation.  

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