State control

القاهرة- بوابة الوفد - هدير يوسف

الثلاثاء, 23 فبراير 2016 11:58

 December 1, 2015

 “Thirty years ago, before I was even born, my mum started documenting the situation of political prisoners in Azerbaijan. She challenged the government on their poor human rights record and spoke publicly about government oppression. My mum always said she wanted to make her country a better place. Activism is her life’s work, and now she is behind bars because of it. There is such irony in the whole situation—my mother used to protect political prisoners, and now she is one herself.” – Dinara Yunus, daughter of Leyla Yunus 

  Wednesday, September 23, 2015 - 20:10

President Abdel Fattal al-Sisi has pardoned 100 young people serving time for charges including violating the protest law, the president's Facebook page announced on Wednesday. The pardon comes the day before Sisi departs for New York to meet with the United Nations General Assembly.

September 4, 2015

Political motivations are taking precedence over the law when it comes to activists such as Bahareh Hedayat, who is being kept in prison despite the completion of her sentence, legal expert Mohammad Oliaei-Fard told the International Campaign for Human Rights in Iran.

 29 juillet 2015 -  Par Mathieu Olivier

 Les autorités nigériennes ont annoncé mercredi l’interdiction du port du voile intégral dans la région de Diffa, dans le Sud-Est, à la frontière avec le Nigeria. Auparavant, le Tchad et le Cameroun avaient également pris des mesures similaires.


By Bruce Pannier

July 15, 2015

The end of one of the most bizarre periods of Ramadan the Uyghur people have ever known is drawing to a close. The Turkic Muslim people living in the area of western China now called Xinjiang were forced by Beijing to forego the month's obligatory fasting, the latest intrusion by authorities into the Uyghur way of life. But at the same time, the plight of the Uyghurs has arguably been receiving the most international attention, well, ever.

The Public Order Police have charged 10 female Christian students with "indecent dress” and subjected them to verbal abuse during their detention. The charge carries the punishment of flogging.

 تهدف ورقة النقاش هذه إلى الكشف عن خبرة النساء السودانيات حول ما يطلق عليه بالعامية السودانية »قانون النظام العام« كما انها من جانب اخر تسعى للكشف عن ان قانون النظام العام فى كل ابعاده ومظاهره ينتقص من القيم األساسية للرجال والنساء وبشكل اوضح وادق للنساء وذلك فيما يحدده من محظورات وفى اليات تنفيذه وفى العقوبات التى ينص عليها، لذلك يعد ذو اثر كبير على حياة العديد من النساء على مستويات حياتهن املختلفة وحتديدا النساء الفقيرات والنساء فى املناطق املهمشة والطالبات في املدارس واجلامعات . 

 Ce document  trace les expériences des femmes soudanaises suite a l’application du régime “d’ordre public” au Soudan.

Beyond Trousers reveals Sudan's public order regime to promote derogative concept of women and prevent them from executing their economic, political and human rights. It provides an an analysis within the legal and religious context how the Public Order Regime undermines Sudan's capacity to fulfill its obligations under the African Charter and in human rights perspectives mainly for women.

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