Law reform

وافقت الحكومة الكويتية على السماح للمرأة بالترشح والتصويت في انتخابات المجلس المحلي. ورحب مراقبون بهذه المبادرة باعتبارها خطوة اولى لمنح المرأة الكويتية المزيد من الحريات السياسية.
Initial review of Afghanistan's Constitution.
Women for Afghan Women said it is "disappointed that Afghanistan's newly released draft constitution is weak in its affirmation of women's rights."
Nearly 700 people with Egyptian mothers and foreign fathers have recently become Egyptian citizens.
Est-ce pour imiter le roi du Maroc (voir J.A.I. n° 2232) que le président Bouteflika a décidé, lundi 27 octobre, de créer une commission pour la révision du Code de la famille?
This booklet offers a comprehensive yet concise overview of the new legal status of women in Turkey.
A draft Afghan constitution has been unveiled, setting out a new political system and defining Islam's role in the country.
In Soviet times, polygamy was prohibited by law. What has happened in the years of independence in the former Central Asian republics of the USSR?
Une commission chargée de la révision du Code algérien de la famille, actuellement très défavorable aux femmes, a été créée par le gouvernement, a-t-on appris lundi de source officielle.
The Fiji Women's Rights Movement applauds the members of the House of Representatives for making a stand for social justice.
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