Law reform

As Iraqis wait for the establishment of a new constitution and judicial framework, so-called "tribal courts" are already administering rough justice in the south.
Le citoyen doit s'engager pour une complète application de la Moudawanna.
Under a new family code, or the Mudawana as it is known, husbands will now have to go to court to make their repudiation binding and women will no longer be legally required to be "obedient" to their husbands.

Outlines proposed egalitarian family and personal status laws in the Maghreb and presents a synthesis of thematic reports jointly produced by a number of researchers from Algeria, Morocco and Tunisia.

The international community has one more reason to ensure the security of Afghanistan -- to help bring about the women's rights promised in the country's just completed constitution, according to experts.
Morocco has approved one of the most progressive laws on women's and family rights in the Arab world, which will see polygamy almost completely eradicated from the north African country.
Maliennes, sénégalaises, gambiennes... près de 20 000 familles vivent sous ce régime coutumier, en principe proscrit par l'Etat français, en pratique toléré par son administration, alors que l'on parle d'intégration.
Le projet de nouveau Code de la famille marocain, qui réforme en profondeur la situation de la femme dans le royaume, a été adopté vendredi à l'unanimité par la chambre des répresentants, a constaté l'AFP.
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