North Africa

Le proces a été repousse le 10 juillet 2001: la Tentative d'annuler le mariage de Docteur Nawal el--Saadawi est remise la deuxième fois.
Move towards the improvement of the status of women through wide-reaching legislative reforms.
We are deeply concerned about politically-motivated court action brought against Dr. Nawal el-Saadawi and the possibility of threats to her personal security and that of her husband. Now 70, the prominent Egyptian feminist writer, doctor and active defender of the rights of women has become the latest intellectual to face the possibility of apostasy charges.

Guide pratique d'informations à l'intention des femmes originaires du Maghreb vivant en France, concernant leurs droits au sein de la famille et les recours juridiques possibles en cas de dissolution du mariage (divorce, répudiation…) Cette brochure s'adresse aussi aux associations, assistantes sociales, institutions, conseillers juridiques ou avocats intervenant dans ces domaines.

There is a tendency in the West to exaggerate the gap between the evolution of Western family laws and the evolution of family laws in Muslim countries. By comparing the changes in the legal definitions of marriage and the relationship of the spouses in French law, the secular laws of Turkey, and the laws of North African countries, this article reveals similar patterns in legal evolution on the northern and southern shores of the Mediterranean.

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