
Les députés belges membres de la commission de l'intérieur de la Chambre ont adopté, mercredi 31 mars, une proposition qui bannit - sans les nommer - la burqa et le niqab de l'espace public. Il prévoit des amendes de 15 à 25 euros et/ou une peine de prison d'un à sept jours pour toutes les personnes qui se présenteraient "le visage masqué ou dissimulé" dans l'espace public.

In a reflection of growing anxiety in Europe over the use of Islamic symbols, a committee of Belgian lawmakers voted Wednesday to ban the wearing of burqas in public, paving the way for the first clampdown of its kind on the Continent. The proposal, which will be put to the full Parliament after the Easter break, highlights the political sensitivity of Islamic dress for European politicians grappling with the challenges of integrating its expanding Muslim population. It came in the midst of debates in France and the Netherlands over the wearing of head scarves or veils, and followed a referendum vote in Switzerland against building minarets.

The intersectionality of freedom of religion or belief and women’s rights is one of the most complex human rights issues faced by the world today. Down through the centuries, religious extremism and interpretation of holy books have shaped traditions and cultural stereotypes in a number of patriarchal societies. Some of these traditions and stereotypes have been detrimental to women, and have survived until the 3rd millennium. By Willy Fautré, Human Rights Without Frontiers.

A Belgian Muslim woman was ordered to pay 200 euros ($300) for wearing a burka, a Islamic outfit that covers everything but the eyes, in a public place, the La Capital paper reported on Thursday. The woman was detained while taking her children to an Islamic school in the Etterbeek municipality of the Belgian capital, Brussels. She was initially ordered to pay a 35-euro fine for violating a local ban on covering faces in public places.

Devant l'ampleur de la polémique, toutes les écoles anversoises ont prononcé une interdiction généralisée des signes religieux qui entrera en vigueur dans un an.
"Sadia Sheikh, 20 ans, belge d'origine pakistanaise est lâchement assassinée en pleine rue par son frère alors qu'elle refusait un mariage que ses parents voulaient l'obliger à contracter au Pakistan."
"Sadia (20 ans) aimait un garçon. Mais d'autres avaient choisi à sa place. Son frère lui a tendu un traquenard. Il l'a assassinée. Sa soeur Sarya (18 ans) est à l'hôpital."
La question du port du voile à l’école traverse la Belgique, comme elle a traversé la France jusqu’à l’adoption de la loi du 2004 interdisant «le port de signes ou tenues par lesquels les élèves manifestent ostensiblement une appartenance religieuse».
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