United Kingdom

Pragna Patel argues, "in the rush to be tolerant or sensitive to religious difference, they have created the space for the most authoritarian and even fundamentalist religious leaders to take control of our communities."
The following petition was submitted to the British Government on 15 November 2007, with 19,107 signatures. Below is the recently issued government's response:
Ziauddin Sardar: "Faith folks, such as the archbishop and I, have legitimate moral qualms about "legal universalism". Nevertheless, we are obliged to follow the law, which applies to all, equally and universally."
"I don't believe in a multicultural society," he says firmly. "When people come into this country they have to obey the laws of the land."
Husbands with multiple wives have been given the go-ahead to claim extra welfare benefits following a year-long Government review, The Sunday Telegraph revealed.
The most recent figures from Liverpool maternity services identified 237 women with FGM in three years.
He said there was an argument that aspects of sharia law, such as those involving divorce, financial transactions and the settling of disputes, could be accommodated with British legislation.
The group will include prominent Muslim women to advise the government on rooting out extremism, and to brief on Muslim women's issues.
"What we should learn from forced marriages and 'honour' killings is that we cannot allow cultural relativism to compromise women's human rights."
Les services secrets britanniques veulent recruter plus d’agents issus de minorités ethniques, a confié à la BBC un responsable du MI6 (renseignement extérieur), égratignant au passage le “mythe” de l’espion britannique véhiculé par James Bond.
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