Tatmotiv Ehre (Honour Motive)

This book [in German] was produced as part of Terre des Femmes’ campaign against ‘honour crimes’ and is divided into four sections. The first section contains contributions on religion and honour and the legal legitimisation of such killings in the laws of Jordan, Turkey and Pakistan. The second section examines honour crimes as an international problem that occurs in many countries, and several national case studies are provided, including from Jordan, Turkey, Switzerland, Iraq, Afghanistan, India, and Iran. The third section focuses exclusively on ‘crimes of honour’ in Germany, examining various judicial, legal, political and health related aspects. The final section focuses on international activities, including examination of an EU project on ‘honour related violence’ and an analysis of the initiatives and strategies of international non-governmental organisations in addressing ‘honour crimes’, before concluding with a general summary and list of recommendations by Terre des Femmes.

Bohmecke, M (ed)
Publisher and location: 
Terre de Femme: Germany