International: Pinar Illkkaracan wins the 2007 Gruber Women's Rights Prize

Global Fund
We are proud pleased to announce congratulate that Global Fund grantee, Pinar Illkkaracan, co-founder of Women for Women's Human Rights in Turkey is for winning the 2007 recipient of the Gruber Women's Rights Prize.
Pinar also co-founded the Coalition for Sexual and Bodily Rights in Muslim Countries, a bi-regionalbroad solidarity network that has pioneered reforms to anchor women’s equality in the legal system, and created a nationwide human rights program to enable women to exercise their rights in Turkey.
The Gruber Prize is a fitting recognition of Pinar's stellar leadership of these two organizations that have been pushing for greater gender equality in Turkish laws. Her work has made these laws accessible to women at the grassroots level, instigated advocacy efforts to promote sexual, bodily and reproductive rights in Muslim societies, and advocated on the international level for the advancement of women’s human rights. Pinar is a leading advocate for women’s human rights internationally and the Global Fund celebrates her $500,000 award from the Peter and Patricia Gruber Foundation.