International: Third International Feminist Dialogues

Feminist Dialogues
We are pleased to announce that the third Feminist Dialogues, "Transforming Democracy: Feminist Visions and Strategies" will be held from 17-19 January 2007, in Nairobi, Kenya just prior to the next World Social Forum.
This two and a half day meeting will bring together around two hundred and fifty women from different parts of the globe to deepen the intensive dialogues on feminist perspectives and strategies in addressing fundamentalisms, militarism and neo-liberal globalisation.
In organizing the third Feminist Dialogues, the Coordinating Group aims to create a vital space for critical minded feminist activists to re-examine, re-imagine and move forward the vital political project of feminist movement building and new forms of democratic processes.

Prior to their attendance at the meeting, participants are asked to prepare their thoughts and reflections by holding their own smaller consultations either at organizational, network or community levels. This way, participants will be ready to share their reflections on how to strengthen feminist politics and rebuild regional and global feminist movements, as well as various strategies employed by feminists in their broad-based regional and global struggles for social and economic justice.

All interested in participating are asked to complete the registration form that is available on the website:

As far as possible all registered participants who complete the registration form and indicated their specific interest in attending the FD will be accepted. However, since the meeting is limited to 250 participants, the Coordinating Group will be making final selections on the basis of interest, region, sectors of the women's movement, age and other factors.

The Coordinating Group is making its best efforts to provide simultaneous interpretation into Spanish and French in the main plenaries as well as consecutive interpretation in the workshop groups. Arrangements are also underway to provide whispered translation in other languages, depending on the need. The meeting will be held in Hotel Meridien which is in the city centre of Nairobi, and which has the required facilities for a meeting of this size.

The Coordinating Group has only raised sufficient funds for the running of the meeting, including, venue, interpretation facilities and resource persons. Therefore, there we are not able to offer scholarships to participants, as was the case at the previous FDs. We therefore ask those interested in participating to seek their own sources of funding. Participants attending will be asked to pay a nominal amount registration fee to cover the cost of all meeting materials, as well as lunch and tea to be provided during the meeting.