Publications by Muslim Women’s Research and Action Forum

1997 - 1999
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The titles listed below can be ordered directly from the Muslim Women’s Research and Action Forum. Write to them at for more details.

Can We Women Head a Muslim State?
Fatima Mernissi
Translated into Tamil by M. Nuhman
In her own words, in this slim volume Mernissi attempts to provide the young and uninformed reader with the basic facts about the ‘yes and No' debate on a woman's right to lead a Muslim state. Mernissi cogently argues that the dawn of Islam brought a new status for women, including the right to political participation.
Tamil, 1999, ISBN: 955-625-006-9

The Quazi Court System in Sri Lanka and its impact on Muslim Women
Saleem Marsoof
The publication makes an assessment of the Quazi Court system which administers Muslim law in Sri Lanka and highlights the need to reform many aspects of the law, both substantive and procedural, to ensure justice for women.
English, 2001, ISBN: 955-625-014-X

Marriage – Legal Literacy Booklet No. 1

This little booklet gives an introduction to Muslim Law in Sri Lanka in the areas of Marriage, dowry and maintenance. Written from the point of view of women it highlights both positive and negative aspects of the law and is colourfully illustrated.
English, 2000, ISBN – 955-625-011-5

Ijtihad or the Need for Intellectual Reasoning

A collection of papers presented at a meeting on 'The Principle of Ijtihad in Islam and Need for Islamic Scholarship'.
English, 2000, ISBN: 955-625-008-5

Muslim Family Law in Sri Lanka: Theory, Practice and Issues of Concern to Women
Chulani Kodikara
This is a comprehensive study of Muslim Personal Law in Sri Lanka in the areas of marriage, divorce, dowry, maintenance, custody of children and divorce settlements.
English, 1999, ISBN: 955-625-005-0

Between Two Worlds - Muslim Women in a Multi Ethnic Society

The book explores the reality of Muslim women's lives in Sri Lanka within the family, in their community and as citizens. Although Muslim women have traditionally enjoyed certain rights together with women of the other communities in Sri Lanka, communal forces are undermining these rights. Despite the increasing recognition of minority rights by the state the rights of Muslim women continue to be marginalised.
English, 1999, ISBN: 955-625-002-6

Equity, Social Justice and Muslim Women
Asghar Ali Engineer
In the first of the Occasional Papers to be published by MWRAF, Asgar Ali Engineer gives a fresh insight into aspects of equity and justice for Muslim women. He argues on the basis of the Quran and Hadiths that Islam does not deny rights and justice to women.
English, 1999, ISBN: 955-625-004-2

Women, Laws, Initiatives in the Muslim World

Translation into Tamil by Zulfica Ismail
The book documents the meeting of over 100 Muslim women from different Muslim communities in December 1994, to exchange experiences of conducting research and action projects relating to women and law in the Muslim world. It dispels the distorted image of Muslim women as silenced and inactive. The publication celebrates the dynamism, courage and creativity that Muslim women have displayed - often in extremely difficult and adverse situations.

Parallel Systems of Personal Law in Sri Lanka

Ramani Muttetuwegama
This booklet compares the parallel systems of personal law applicable in Sri Lanka, and highlights the legal situations and provisions, which place Muslim women either in an advantageous, or disadvantageous position compared with women from other communities in Sri Lanka.
English, 1997, ISBN: 955-625-001-8

Alternative Perspectives: A Collection of Essays on Contemporary Muslim Society

This publication contains three essays which trace the history of Muslim communalisation in Sri Lanka.
English, 1997, ISBN: 955-625-000-X

The Status of Women in Islam
Qamaruddin Khan
Translated into Tamil by Zulfica Aatham
This booklet discusses the rights of women in three important areas, i.e. polygamy and the question of multiple marriages, the law of evidence and its effect on women, and marriage and the parameters of family life.