Karima Bennoune Featured in TEDxExeter 2015 – Taking the Long View


On 24th April 2015, TEDxExter will be happening, with the theme "Taking the Long View".  During the morning connections on "Global Connection", WLUML Board member Karima Bennoune will be appearing via video at 12.19pm BST, giving a follow-up to last year's talk, "When People of Muslim Heritage Challenge Fundamentalism." Also of interest to WLUML will be Chetan Bhatt's talk about origin myths and fundamentalisms, given at 11.59am BST.

Watch the Livestream of the event.

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TEDxExeter 2015 will be happening in the Exeter Northcott Theatre on 24 April 2015, with the theme “Taking the Long View”. We will also have a concurrent livestream in Exeter Library’s Rougemont Room. Tickets for both are sold out.

We aim to take the long view back into the past, and explore how it has shaped the world we now live in. We want to ask about what responsibilities the past places on us in the way we live now and how we innovate. Much current political, economic and personal decision-making is rife with short-termism. So we will also take the long view into the future, and ask how it can reveal and help us to understand the challenges that face us now, and shape the way we live and the decisions we make?

TEDTalks video and live speakers will combine to spark deep discussion and connection. As with our previous two conferences there will be music, an excellent locally sourced lunch and wonderful opportunities in the breaks to meet and mix with speakersperformers and your fellow TEDx-ers, and continue the conversation.

8.30am Registration opens

9.25am Programme start

Morning Session: Open Communities

Welcome and Introduction to TEDx and TEDxExeter

Matthew Owen Cool Earth: saving rainforest a village at a time

TEDTalk Will Marshall Tiny satellites show us the Earth as it changes in near-real-time

Rachel McKendry Going viral: the digital future of public health

TEDTalk Candy Chang Before I die I want to…

Carmel McConnell Can we end child hunger in the 6th richest economy?

10.50-11.35am Refreshments in the Great Hall

Morning Session: Global Connections

Clive Stafford Smith My father, mental illness and the death penalty

TEDTalk Eric Whitacre A choir as big as the Internet

Chetan Bhatt Visions of a future without origin stories and identity myths

Karima Bennoune A video update

Celia McKeon Reimagining security

12.45-2pm Lunch in the Great Hall

Afternoon Session: Renewed Visions

Dick Moore Dancing or drowning in the rain?

Beth Barnes Effective altruism

Kieron Kirkland Performance

Jenny Sealey Sidelined

Sara Hyde We need to talk about prisons

3.10-3.45pm Refreshments in the Great Hall

Afternoon Session: Changing Perceptions

Michelle Ryan Work-life balance: balancing time or balancing identity?

Keiron Kirkland Make magic and influence people

Peter Randall-Page Theme and variation in nature and culture

TEDTalk Andrew Solomon How the worst moments in our lives make us who we are

Harry Baker Performance