Center for Women’s Land Rights

To address the challenges faced by women in accessing their right to land and property and unite the global community in support of women’s land rights, the Rural Development Institute (RDI) launched the Global Center for Women’s Land Rights in 2009. RDI’s Center provides resources and training on women’s land rights and connects policymakers, researchers, and practitioners from around the world. RDI’s Center pilots innovative solutions to women’s lack of secure land rights. It educates development experts about the gap between customary and institutional law and ensures that this is addressed in RDI’s projects. RDI’s Center ensures that women remain a core focus of RDI’s work to help the poorest of the poor. Current initiatives include 1) A Global Fellowship Program which provides training opportunities for qualified professionals seeking to pursue a career in helping to secure land and property rights for women and girls. 2) e-Library on Women’s Property Rights 3) Advocacy and Education.