WRRC Bibliography: International

Results 11 - 20 of 143

The booklet was published as part of the women's groups' campaign for a Domestic Violence Act in Malaysia to include Muslims. In question and answer form, it deals with such questions: Does Islam allow a husband to physically beat or mentally harass his wife?; What is regarded in Islam as...

The Beijing Platform for Action, adopted by governments at the Fourth World Conference on Women, 15 September 1995 is an agenda for women's empowerment. The Platform aims at accelerating the implementation of the Nairobi Forward-looking Strategies for the Advancement of Women and focuses on 12...

This study attempts to look beyond the cultural notion of honour as the main/only motive behind gender based violence. By focusing on honour related violence in Muslim contexts, and especially in Pakistan, this study tries to explain the origin and persistence of the honour/shame code by...

Une base de documentation très riche. Liste des signets intéressent: Atelier féministe méditerranéen d'études sur le genre Base de données du Secrétariat général de l'ONU sur la violence contre les femmes Bridge : development gender Centre audiovisuel Simone de Beauvoir Condition féminine Canada...

An information material on the types of FGM practised in Ethiopia, its prevalence and severe forms found among both Ethiopian and Somali societies.

This book provides a thorough history and interpretation of circumcision, covering everything from its pre-biblical roots to the scientific debate.  It gives voice to all sides:  those tending to view the uncircumcised as "lacking culture, manners, intelligence, and, in a word,...

The conference on Combating Patriarchal Violence Against Women, Focusing on Violence in the Name of Honour took place in Stockholm 7-8 December 2004. The conference aimed at more effectively addressing such violence, and should be seen as a part of an ongoing process to counteract it. The...

This paper addresses the issue of widespread gender-based violence in Arab countries. Honour crimes, FGM, rape, forced marriage, and domestic violence – with specific reference to Egypt, Lebanon, Jordan, Palestine, Yemen, Saudi Arabia, and Iraq – are the main issues under discussion here. The...

This desk study provides an analysis of the constraints and discrimination that women face with respect to access to rural land with the hope of informing future policy and civil society interventions. The country studies investigate statutory and customary discriminations, and they attempt to...