WRRC Bibliography: International, Violence Against Women

Results 31 - 40 of 64

This book contains the contributions of participants at a seminar, organised by the Consulate General of Sweden in Istanbul, and titled ‘International Seminar on Violence in the Name of Honour’ (4-6 December 2003). The first section of the book – ‘Theoretical Explorations of Honour Killings’ –...

This UN resolutions outlines that States have an obligation to exercise due diligence to prevent, investigate and punish the perpetrators of crimes committed against women and girls in the name of honour and to provide protection to the victims. It stresses the need to treat all forms of...

The authors argue that cultural and personal systems of honour that depend on the behaviour of others are an integral part of the killing of women by their families or intimates. Comparing patterns of conduct in both traditional cultures and English-speaking countries, this study focuses on the...

This book is the result of a collaborative effort between international and locally-based human rights organisations, individuals, and experts whose work has focussed on so-called ‘honour crimes’ in a variety of geographical and social contexts.  It is an action-oriented work that seeks to...

In this article, Engineer goes through a thorough historical and Qur’anic analysis of the punishment of stoning for zina. He comes to the conclusion that stoning to death is against the fundamental values prescribed in the Qur’an, as it kills an erring human being rather than giving him...

Radio Farda, an American-based Persian-language radio program, interviewed the Grand Ayatollah Montazeri on his opinions about the practice of stoning, and specifically whether the sentence of stoning can be vacated and replaced by another punishment. He responded as follows:

The question in this post is: “Is there any way adultery can be forgiven by Allah?” The reply from Sheikh Ahmad Kutty (a senior lecturer and Islamic scholar at the Islamic Institute of Toronto) outlines the steps one must take to prove true repentance to Allah (including good deeds, prayer,...

This article undertakes a comparative study of stoning in Islam and Judaism. It states that in Islam stoning (rajm) is a punishment - originally from Hodoud – for adultery. In Judaism, stoning was only one of four different types of penalties used in cases of adultery, sodomy, and idolatry, and...

In this article, the author argues that it is mostly societal traditions and customs that drive people to resort to ‘crimes of honour’ – which she describes as “shameful, irreligious acts”. She states that in Islam it is a sin to take people's lives in one's own hands. Crimes of honor are...

The central question of this study concerns the relationship between domestic violence and shari’a. This relationship is of critical importance because shari’a provides both the legal framework for administering family relations and a religio-cultural framework for social norms...