WRRC Bibliography

Une base de documentation très riche. Liste des signets intéressent: Atelier féministe méditerranéen d'études sur le genre Base de données du Secrétariat général de l'ONU sur la violence contre les femmes Bridge : development gender Centre audiovisuel Simone de Beauvoir Condition féminine Canada...

Bint el Nas son site est conçu pour répondre aux besoins et intérêts des femmes transgenres qui s'identifient comme gais, lesbiennes, bisexuelles, et / ou transgenres (y compris les femmes-hommes et hommes-trans féminine personnes * en tout état de transition), et qui sont identifiées...

An information material on the types of FGM practised in Ethiopia, its prevalence and severe forms found among both Ethiopian and Somali societies.

This report documents the tragic reality that under both statutory and customary law, the overwhelming majority of women in Sub-Saharan Africa (including Nigeria and Senegal) – regardless of their marital status- cannot own or inherit land, housing and other property in their own rights. Instead...

C’est centre avec pour objectifs de sensibiliser les femmes sur leurs droits fondamentaux, organiser des sessions de formation, élargir le réseau d’action et de solidarité
CEWLA est un organisme communautaire créé en 1995 dans le but de fournir un appui à l'autorité juridique de la femme égyptienne dans la Constitution et les lois égyptiennes et les conventions internationales.

This is the main website for one of the two Tehran branches of the One Million Signatures Campaign to change gender discriminatory laws in Iran (this site hosted by Parvin Ardalan). There is a good selection of articles on violence against women here, which is regularly updated. The articles...

Across rural Africa, land legislation struggles to be properly implemented, and most resource users gain access to land on the basis of local land tenure systems. There is growing recognition that land laws must build on local practice. In recent years, several African countries have adopted...
The effect of prime age adult death and its consequences on access to land for the survivors has not been fully explored nor incorporated into policy regardless of the fact that high adult mortality is now the lived reality in countries affected by HIV /AIDS, particularly in Africa. This paper...