WRRC Bibliography

This chapter is divided into two main sections. The first focuses on some theological and other variables associated with islam in Nigeria and briefly examines the historical context of Islamisation with Nigerian society. The second section discusses specific social and economic dimensions of Islam...

The Encyclopedia of Law and Society is the largest comprehensive and international treatment of the law and society field. The three volumes of this state-of-the-art resource represent interdisciplinary perspectives on law from sociology, criminology,...

The Muslim Women’s League argues that the notion of ‘honour killing’ is justified by a distorted and erroneous interpretation of religion, especially Islam. They state that theproblem of ‘honour killings’ is not a problem of morality or of ensuring that women maintain their own personal virtue;...

Eghtedari looks at the punishments for adultery and homosexuality using a primarily human rights based perspective. It can be stated that the Islamic Republic's penal code is in contradiction with the International Bill of Human Rights at least according to the following criteria:

This report discusses the obligations of the Senegalese government in the protection of women and combating practices of violence against women, based on signed and ratified conventions, international law, and the laws of (as well as pointing out the shortcomings) the Constitution of Senegal....

This is a Shia website that challenges Sunni doctrine. This document challenges the Sunni belief that there contains a “lost verse” on stoning. They cite several prominent and mainstream Shia sources:

Aslan argues that while stoning is undoubtedly a grave human rights issue, the only means of affecting permanent change in Islamic adultery laws is through a vigorous Islamic dialogue over the proper interpretation and application of these laws in the shariah. A close analysis of the...

This articlelooks at customs, rituals, myths, and taboos that have perpetuated the practice of FGM. It also harps on the disastrous health effects of FGM, combined with the social injustices that it perpetuates, and the contributing barrier to overall African development.